Trish - Soul Adventures

Trish is a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher, a Reiki Master Teacher, a Shamanic Healing Practitioner and a Sound Healing Therapist. Having practised the healing arts for over a decade and teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, we were keen to learn how these healing arts could combine for the Soul Adventures Retreat - as Elle UK reported ‘bridging the gap between spirituality, yoga and western life has been a revelation’.

You work across many practices - how did you begin on your journey?


It all started when a dear friend gifted me a Reiki treatment in 2002 … I wasn’t quite sure what exactly had happened but I felt different and I liked it! I continued with weekly reiki treatments for months and slowly but surely I started to feel connected for the first time in my life and I loved that!



What is Soul Adventures mission?

Great question! And one I haven’t been asked before… Soul Adventures really started when I recorded the album SOUL ADVENTURES Volume 1 which was a record I made to do healing to, mainly because when I started healing I couldn’t find any healing music with bass and surely that’s the healer.

The mission I guess is to create spaces for people to connect to their actual soul and from that space to connect to their actual real self and from there to connect to their happiness.

It was inspired by Bob Marley’s ‘Soul Rebel’ and as a shamanic healer I'm all about the soul adventuring and the connections we can all make to our real selves in each life time.

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What are your hopes for the future of wellbeing across the world?


Well, my hopes are high, I must say, and it really feels like the resurgence of shamanism, of natural healing, of people reconnecting to the land and the ancient ways of the healing arts and people taking back control of their destiny and their natural power to heal.

Power to the people!


How do you use different modalities in your retreats? 


Everything is healing here to be honest and I endeavour to create a space that feels like a really warm home – because that’s whats on offer… a space where people have space and a space where people can heal.

 I'm Irish so there is that strong feeling of being welcome for starters and I'm so happy I can share that with all my guests. Then there is a vibration here that is clear and clean and high and I am never done clearing and blessing my spaces with sage especially but I also always have fabulous incenses and oils on the go.

Healing is a transmission and I endeavour to always be in that frequency where I can transmit the healing vibrations. Then there is the kundalini yoga experience which for me is a shamanic practice and a space where people can really get into their deep self healing.

And once we are in those 90 minute sessions IT ALL HAPPENS!  I'm in a flow and often covered in goosebumps. I can feel it and that’s when the real magic happens.



What guidance can you offer someone who is new to your retreats? 

It will be a calling of our soul to come and have this experience, so it's about listening to that voice inside and trusting that you are ready and all has been divinely appointed and we will embark on a journey together that will soothe and heal your soul.



 What is your favourite ritual?

How long have you got?! I LOVE a ritual. I would say my favourite one is taking all the crystals out for the full moon bathe. I make lots of grids with them and then the next day they get put back usually in different spots and we are fully charged again for another month in this crystal spaceship where I live.


Do you practice any other kind of self-care?

I had some health issues last summer so I am for sure practicing full on self care – and it's working. I feel like sometimes we get so carried away with the work that we forget to care for the carer. And then that’s when the body is like “erm hello what about me?!"

So I am taking more breaks, I am taking more time for myself and I am in full recognition that you cannot pour from an empty cup.

I'm currently on top of a mountain in West Cork in Ireland taking a two week self care break.  I can't tell you how important it is to do this. Everything flows so much better when we are flowing ourselves. Take the break, put yourself first, care for yourself first and everything else will follow beautifully.



 How can we follow you and your work?

Instagram: @souladventures

Facebook: @souladventuresibiza 


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